
Intro Deals

  • 2 Weeks Unlimited

  • $27/mo
  • Test out all of our yoga classes, phenomenal yoga teachers, and the growing GLY community for two full weeks. Access unlimited yoga in studio + access to OM Demand. Starts first day of use. Not valid on events/series/trainings.
  • 2 Months Unlimited

  • $120/mo
  • Before you jump into a membership, continue your practice with two months of yoga! Access unlimited yoga in studio + OM Demand. Starts on the first day of use. Not valid on events/series/trainings.



  • $950/yr
  • One Year Unlimited Yoga
    The best price for unlimited yoga! Pay once and practice all year long. Your Superior Membership includes: unlimited yoga, access to virtual OM Demand, and no monthly payments. 5% of this membership goes towards GLY’s scholarship fund which gives flexibility and affordability to everyone in our community. Our goal is to help make yoga accessible to more people. No refunds, exchanges, extensions, or pausing of this membership. This membership will NOT auto-renew. Not valid on events/series/trainings.

  • Michigan

  • $99/mo
  • Autopay Monthly Unlimited Classes
    Commit to your practice. Whether you practice 2 times a week or 10, this membership makes it possible. Your Michigan Membership includes: unlimited yoga classes every month, access to virtual OM Demand, and auto-renewing pricing that can be cancelled at anytime. 5% of this membership goes towards GLY’s scholarship fund which gives flexibility and affordability to everyone in our community. Our goal is to help make yoga accessible to more people. No refunds, exchanges, extensions, or pausing of this membership. Cancel anytime in app or online. Not valid on events/series/trainings.
  • Huron

  • $50/mo
  • Autopay 5 Classes/Month
    Balance your busy schedule with a yoga class. This membership is perfect for those that want to get to their mat once a week. Your Huron Membership includes: 5 class sessions per month, access to virtual OM Demand, and auto-renewing pricing that can be cancelled at anytime. 5% of this membership goes towards GLY’s scholarship fund which gives flexibility and affordability to everyone in our community. Our goal is to help make yoga accessible to more people. No refunds, exchanges, extensions, or pausing of this membership. Unused classes will NOT roll over. Cancel anytime in app or online. Not valid on events/series/trainings.
  • Erie

  • $Flex/mo
  • Scholarship Autopay
    Enjoy the same yoga benefits at a price you can afford. This is a flex-price membership, which is part of our scholarship program at Great Lakes Yoga. Our goal is to improve access to yoga, so that all members of our community can participate. This autopay monthly membership grants you unlimited access to regularly scheduled classes at GLY and will automatically renew for 2 additional months (unless you cancel earlier). The scholarship program is made possible by donations from our members as well as a percentage of every membership purchased since January of 2022. **Only 3 memberships available per month. Not valid on events/series/trainings.

  • Ontario

  • $35/mo
  • Virtual OM Demand
    Great Lakes Yoga right in the comfort of your own home. This membership includes: unlimited access to our virtual library of yoga classes, auto-renewing pricing that can be cancelled at any time, and the ability to share your home practice with everyone in your household. No refunds, exchanges, extensions, or pausing of this membership. Cancel anytime in app or online. Not valid on events/series/trainings.

Class Packs

  • 5 Classes

  • $60/mo
  • Five classes. One month expiration. Purchase is non-refundable and non-transferable. Not valid on events/series/trainings.

  • 10 Classes

  • $110/mo
  • Ten classes. One month expiration. Purchase is non-refundable and non-transferable. Not valid on events/series/trainings.

Other Offerings

Private Classes

Scheduling a one-on-one class will start at $80 and vary depending on number of students, location, and requests for the class.


Investing in a yoga education immersion starts at $2700 and up. We aim to offer payment plans and discounts for registering/paying early.


Exploring yoga outside of the studio will truly vary based on the destination and length of our adventure.